Growing up
Although I'm only 17 months and two days away from turning 30 (ZOMGWTF!), I occasionally still have difficulty remembering, and accepting, that I am an adult. Perhaps it is my baby face. Perhaps it's a lingering effect of having been at least a year younger than my classmates in school. Or perhaps it's a function of just how long adolescence lasts in US culture--some theories of development hold that adolescence lasts until age 26!
But there are some things in my daily life that remind me that yes, indeed, I have achieved adult status. I'm not talking about things like approaching my third wedding anniversary, having a baby, having bought a car, or even having moved out of my parents' house seven years ago.
No, I'm talking about much more quotidian things. Things like...
boiling water for tea...
having a fully stocked medicine cabinet...
and knowing how to make (and ice) cupcakes completely from scratch.
Tea, baked goods, and healthcare--these, I think, are the really important things in adult life.
i love you, you grownup woman, you.
I was just talking today about the grown-up-ness of "30" and how far away I am from feeling "grown up" or "settled."
Thanks for that countdown. I'm not quite sure I appreciated it, but you're still older than I anyway!
I wouldn't know anything about having a baby-face!
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