Nesting, part 2
I am doing some serious nesting these days. Having regained my sweet tooth as well as some of my energy, this is all a lot more fun.
In the middle of last week I made Irish potato candy, which actually has nothing to do with potatoes. Then, on Friday, I made a batch of hamantaschen. Our house is now officially fully stocked with a lot of sweet, fatty, carb-o-licious stuff.Yesterday I started sewing a cute little baby outfit. I also washed all the gerb's clothes, diapers, and linens, and put the finishing touches on the setup of the gerb's room.
Today, in addition to my usual three loads of laundry, I cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed the house. Then I put up a whole bunch of framed pictures which had spent the past two months languishing in boxes in the closet. I wanted also to make a pitcher of nice decaffeinated iced tea, but there was a problem: we have no ice cube trays. (How did we manage to neglect to buy new ice cube trays after moving in?)
Meanwhile, the gerb is still flip-flopping away in there. I say it's high time for it to get to know the outside world, yo.
Gillian, thanks for posting your thoughts on pregnancy. Alexis and I just went to our first preg meeting today and it is wonderful to hear about your journey. I also hope that Atlanta is better than Mass. We live in a pretty open community, but we'll see if what kind of faces we get when we say "this is my wife." I do like the "she the one who knocked me up" though. Can't wait to see the pictures of the gerbil.
Ok, so A and I just realized... little gerb's due April 16th?! Our anniversary is on the 17th... how funny/awesome would it be if the lil' gerb decides to debut then!
Thinking about you lots, hope all is going well!
Lavender - actually, the gerb is due on April 10, but your anniversary is still well within its margin of error!
Hahaha, my calender was set a week forward, silly me. :-) Trying not to miss upcoming assignments has the effect of not knowing the current date. *d'oh*
Hopefully lil' gerb won't keep you waiting THAT long!
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