The times, they are a-changin'
Mrs. Gerbil and I went out and bought a prodigious amount of essential baby gear yesterday. One of these essential items was a car seat.
Mrs. Gerbil decided that we should install the car seat right away, even though the gerb is not due for another five and a half weeks. (Of course, the gerb could really arrive any time.) I was tired and cranky from a lot of mall-walking in snow boots that really don't fit my swollen feet, so I said, "You're on your own!" and went inside to rest and grump about.
Installing a car seat is apparently very complicated, but the final score did turn out to be Mrs. Gerbil 1, car seat 0. So now we have a rear-facing infant seat in the car, but no infant as yet.According to Click and Clack of Car Talk, the Subaru Outback is the ultimate lesbian car. We're now on our second Ultimate Lesbian Car, also known as the Bigger, Gayer Subaru.
I went out to Staples today to buy us a copy of TurboTax, and let me tell you, it was really strange to be driving a car with a car seat--even an empty one--in it. It was even stranger to know that said car is ours. Mrs. Gerbil, who had driven to and from Hartford earlier today, reported the same reaction.The Bigger, Gayer Subaru has suddenly morphed into a Big Gay Family Car.
Oh my goodness.
Holy crap. How did it get so close to your due date??
Tick tock, tick tock!
be very very appreciative of Mrs G's triumph over the car seat... I know of two families whose garage contains a car seat that won (both lots went out and bought a second version that was less complicated, and both lots still have the first one. Because, of course, sooner or later....they. will. get. the damn. thing. fitted. or else!) Probably, I figure, about the time that they have the first grandchild!
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